Customer Testimonials

"The Prairie South 210 Facilities Department commends the service, workmanship, and professionalism that Apex Electric delivers to meet the needs of our staff and students."

Darren Baiton

Facilites Manager

Prairie South Schools 210

"I would recommend apex electric for all of your electrical needs, they are courteous, keep a clean site, punctual and a very neat and professional looking job when it is all done. I have nothing but great things to say about Mike and James. Thanks and keep up the great work. "

Brent Evans


Evans Excavating

"Apex Electric is fast and proffessional right from the pricing to completion, we couldnt be happier using Apex"

Sam Shaw


C & S Builders

"Apex Electric’s work is always excellent and often respond at a moment’s notice. They understand our complex network infrastructure needs as well they are sensitive to the environment within our schools and work with staff to ensure student learning is not impacted."

Barry Stewart

IT Manager

Prairie South Schools 210

"We have had Apex do a variety of jobs in our facility. All work completed has been done quickly, professionally, and with outstanding service. "

Dustin Swanson


A. E. Peacock Collegiate


Apex Electric Ltd.
#1-75 Highland Road, Moose Jaw,
SK, S6J 1M5, Canada
P: (306) 691-2001
F: (306) 691-2003